Fill in the relevant details in the inquiry form or call the relevant branch for more details.
Application forms can be downloaded from this website or you can get them from the SLITHM Colombo Office and Provincial Colleges island-wide or newspapers.
The suitable candidates will be called for an interview and their academic records and professional experience ( if any) will be checked.
Full scholarships (course fee+ accommodation charges) and other scholarships for transport charges, uniforms, course fees and accommodation will be awarded for students from low inc9ome families.
Yes, upon the completion of the academic sessions, students are given the opportunity to undergo industrial training at one of the leading star-class city hotels or resort hotels.
Yes, we can arrange the facility to pay in installments, but that depends on the duration of your course program.
Submit the duly filled application form to the Colombo branch, or the Principal at the provincial colleges, the Registrar’s office of the SLITM Colombo.